
Better manage how you handle purchasing operations

Purchase Requests

Let your team members raise request for purchase for required products and services.

  • Raise requests for purchase
  • Track when you require those items
  • Send request for approvals
  • Leave comments for team
  • Subscribe to get notified to updates
  • Quick email approval
  • Estimated expense from previous purchases
  • Bulk import data from csv files
  • Export existing data

Requests for Quotation

Pick items from your to-be-procured list, to send it for vendor quotes.

  • Send items for quotation
  • Use from open or sealed process
  • Track vendor quotes
  • Subscribe to get notified to updates
  • Auto ranking of quotes
  • Convert quotes to order
  • Leave comments for team
  • Export existing data

Purchase Order

Directly create orders for purchase or transform received quotes to an order.

  • Transform quotes to orders
  • Send for approvals
  • Subscribe to get notified to updates
  • Receive shipping details on approved orders
  • Link to manual budgets
  • Leave comments for team
  • Bulk import data from csv files
  • Export existing data

Rate Contracts

Initiate contracts for rate of items to secure your product prices among vendors.

  • Setup rates on products with vendors
  • Setup duration of contract
  • Auto apply rates on orders
  • Leave comments for team
  • Export existing data


Setup approvals to verify each expenses before it moves forward.

  • Setup for offices and projects
  • Assign multiple levels
  • Multiple users per level
  • Allocate budget
  • Easy approval via email

Budget Plan

Setup budgets to track your expenditures and control what is spent on where.

  • Create budgets monthly/annually/etc
  • Allocate to offices/users/etc
  • Track orders against expenses
  • Prevent purchases exceeding budget

Invoices & Bills

Receive invoices from active vendors or record bills for passive vendors.

  • Receive and manage
  • Approve or reject
  • Get notified for disparities
  • Record payment details
  • Leave comments for team
  • Export existing data

Vendor Management

Invite vendors to have your teams commnicate with them directly and fasten the process.

  • Onboard active and passive vendors
  • Get vendor details
  • Setup questionnaires
  • Receive quotes and invoices against orders
  • Bulk import vendors from csv files
  • Export existing vendors


Better manage your purchased products

Goods Receipts

Receive goods from your finalized order and move items to your inventory.

  • Create receipts and manage
  • Accept and decline items
  • Move items to inventories
  • Leave comments for team
  • Export existing data

Stock Operations

Do operations on products in your inventories to keep track of your available stocks.

  • Stock entries with opening stocks
  • Stock transfer among branches
  • Stock adjutments
  • Stock issues when utilized
  • Track summaries, movements & statements
  • Stock reorder notifications

Stock Orders

Order for stock refill in branches to fullfil their stock needs.

  • Inventory orders from branches
  • Raise purchase request for unavailable items
  • Transfer stocks to requested branch

Additional Features

More operations for better tracking and easy management

Admin Interface

Additional operations by admin users to manage the account for a better workflow.

  • Setup multiple companies
  • Manage offices and projects
  • Define custom roles
  • Setup approvals
  • Invite team members
  • Assign individual permissions
  • Setup additional fields


All the numbers crunched in a better format for your eyes to marvel at.

  • Expenses by companies
  • Expenses by offices
  • Expenses by vendors
  • Expenses by projects
  • Stock summaries
  • All available exports

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